National Forest Service's Economic Recession Danger Level:
(Smokey says: "remember kids, times are TOUGH!")

#10 - Your company's loss per share is greater than its stock price.
#9 - Bars have scaled back Happy Hour to 1 hour only and have removed the late night session entirely.
#8 - Your Home Equity Line of Credit gets revoked while you're on the way to Best Buy for that new flat screen.
#7 - You consider either not smoking or not driving. (gallon of gas = pack of cigarettes)
#6 - The interest rate on your credit card approaches 30% because your credit score dipped below 720.
#5 - Dinner at TGI Friday's is now gourmet.
#4 - You begin scheming on how to use slugs at the laundromat again, like you did in college.
#3 - You have to walk across the street, because your usual Starbucks was closed.
#2 - You hear more about "the Fed" than "K-Fed" in the news.
#1 - The guy getting ready next to you at the gym has drug store brand toothpaste in his dop kit.

oh it's a zinger top 10 list! very nice shaggs. and if you came up with that whole thing all by yourself you should be in NY writing for david letterman rather than sitting on the bow of a sinking bank ship playing the violin to keep warm.
oh I wrote it all. 100% legit
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