For all those duffers, semi-professionals, or weekend warriors, here's a collection of what NOT TO DO with a golf swing. While I by no means have a perfect swing (far from it)...this collection of videos will make any golfer feel better about any chunked, duffed, bladed, sliced, or hooked golf shot.
#1 And the list starts with Sir Charles Barkley. Perhaps the most famous person with the most famous worst swing. It's downright crap. For all this guy's famous friends, money, and free time you would think he could complete a golf swing without something like three hitches in it. (Count 'em). It doesn't take Butch Harmon to analyze this one...I can't even figure out in this picture if he's on his take-back or his down-swing. But his weight is about 80% on his front foot and both knees are bent like he's ready to spring for a rebound. Reality to Chuck: WRONG SPORT. This is just rubbish.
#1 And the list starts with Sir Charles Barkley. Perhaps the most famous person with the most famous worst swing. It's downright crap. For all this guy's famous friends, money, and free time you would think he could complete a golf swing without something like three hitches in it. (Count 'em). It doesn't take Butch Harmon to analyze this one...I can't even figure out in this picture if he's on his take-back or his down-swing. But his weight is about 80% on his front foot and both knees are bent like he's ready to spring for a rebound. Reality to Chuck: WRONG SPORT. This is just rubbish.
*WEB HINT: all you have to do is google "worst golf swing" (proper boolean not required) and it takes you straight to Chuck. HA! Googling "best basketball player" during Barkley's career would have taken you straight to Michael Jordan...but only now is Sir Charles in a class of his own!
>>>To my opinions here, "I may be wrong, but I doubt it."
>>>To my opinions here, "I may be wrong, but I doubt it."

1 comment:
good lord shaggs - TOO MANY SOCCER TOPICS!! I'm an american. if I wanted to read about futbol statistics I'd hit up a website ending it's URL with ".uk". so since I am from america and we invented the f'ing interweb, until there's more blogging on more interesting subjects of the following I will have to limit my time to fast food, coca-cola, levis jeans and nike shoes. the recommended subjects in no particular order -
- drawing
- fishing (anything with crappie jigs)
- sasquatch
- UFOs
- photoshop contests from fark.com
- video and/or photos of "one night in paris"
thank you and good night.
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